Tableau for Students
Iron Viz: Student Edition
Data tells a story. Which student will visualize it best?
The 2024 Winners have been Announced!
Congratulations to Jane, Nkosi, and Xinran, this year’s Iron Viz: Student Edition winners. They used fun and creative ways to dive into the worlds of Studio Ghibli, Spider-Man, and Black Panther with their movie-themed visualizations. Read more about their inspirations and explore their vizzes in our winner’s blog.
Thank you to our community judges for dedicating their time and expertise to empower the next generation of data leaders! Catch this year’s winners on the Iron Viz stage at Tableau Conference 2024.
How It Works
1. Join Tableau for Students
You will need Tableau to complete your visualization. Don't worry—with Tableau for Students, students receive Tableau licenses and elearning for free. Once you verify your student status, you will receive instructions on how to get started with your Tableau Desktop license.
2. Create a Tableau Public Profile
Only visualizations published on Tableau Public and submitted to our form will be considered valid entries for the contest. If you don't already have one, create a profile on Tableau Public.
3. Get the Data
The 2024 competition’s dataset featured IMDb movie data in partnership with Data+Movies! Even though the submission window has closed, you can still access the data with instructions on the Data+Movies homepage.
4. Submit your Viz
Even if the competition is closed, you can publish your visualization to your Tableau Public profile (learn how to do this here) and participate in the Data+Movies challenge. Don’t forget to add #GenData! At times when the competition is open, you would submit a link to your viz in the application as well.
Get Viz Inspired
'23 Iron Viz: Student Edition winners

Karolina entered the competition and received a job offer because of her Tableau Public viz portfolio, including her winning viz.
Jenny had only been using Tableau for 3 months when she entered and won the 2023 Iron Viz: Student edition.
Conor used his data skills creatively and ended up making many connections across Tableau Conference, expanding his network and Tableau knowledge.
The image on the left shows the Iron Viz: Student Edition 2023 winners attending Tableau Conference and sharing about their vizzes on stage at Iron Viz.
From left to right: Karolina Grodzinska, Jenny Van Linh Nguyen, and Conor Bolger
Iron Viz: Student Edition FAQ
Iron Viz: Student Edition is a competition open exclusively to students, though we encourage you to participate in both! Iron Viz: Student Edition is for students age 18+ that are looking to develop their viz skills, but feel hesitant about competing at the Iron Viz level. This competition is a great introduction into the world of viz competitions. Iron Viz: Student Edition winners will also have the opportunity to connect with other members of the Tableau Community at Tableau Conference.
A panel of judges comprising of data viz experts, previous Iron Viz finalists, and skilled community members will evaluate the submissions based on the following judging criteria for a total of 100 points:
- Analytical Depth (25 points) - Was the data used in a way to explore?
- Beauty and Design (25 points) - Is the visualization beautiful, relevant, and effective?
- Storytelling (25 points) - Does the viz present insights in an interesting way?
- Visualization Best Practices (25 points) - Rate the visualization in overall best practices
In the event of a tie, the submission that received the higher score in the category of Analytical Depth will be selected as a winner.
2024's theme was movies in collaboration with the Data+Movies challenge, featuring a special IMDb dataset. The 2024 Iron Viz: Student Edition competition has concluded but stay tuned for 2025's competition.
You may submit multiple entries to the form but only the most recent entry will be considered. Only one entry per person will be judged. Edits to any entries are allowed up until the deadline.
- $250 gift card to the Tableau Store
- All-expenses paid trip and ticket to Tableau Conference 2024
- Stage time during the Iron Viz competition
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Contest runs from 11/6/23 at 12:01 a.m. PT to 1/1/24 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Open to legal residents of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada (Excluding Quebec), China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States (incl. D.C.). Must be 18+ (20+ in Japan). See official rules.